Exploring biology

The Schools of Molecular & Cellular Biology and Integrative Biology are at the center of biological education and research at Illinois. Together, the schools have created an innovative first-year curriculum in biology. No matter what major you choose, you will be able to tailor an educational plan that meets your needs and interests and you will develop technical, research, and analytical skills that will prepare you for a successful future.

Typical first year Academic advising 

Integrative Biology


IB majors study how the different components of life interact, from molecules through global cycles. Our courses and curricula focus on problem-solving, collaborative learning, and communication skills across the content areas. An IB major prepares students in genetics and evolution, anatomy and physiology of plants and animals, ecology and behavior and molecular biology. After completion of the core sequence in IB, students complete the required additional approved coursework by either taking a variety of courses or specializing in such areas as health professions, biotechnology, biodiversity and conservation and environmental sciences.

About the IB major  Typical 4-year plan for IB majors  Meet IB students

Molecular & Cellular Biology


MCB majors study fundamental questions about how organisms work at molecular, cellular, and systems levels and how these processes can go awry during injury, infections, and genetic diseases. Build a strong foundation in biological sciences, chemistry, physics, statistics, and math, and gain knowledge of core MCB subjects such as cell communication and gene expression. Expand your knowledge by taking advanced courses, such as cancer cell biology and neuro and molecular pharmacology. Additional degree options include MCB Honors and MCB + Teaching Certificate.

About the MCB major  Typical 4-year plan for MCB majors  Meet MCB students


Meet some of our biology students


Do you dream of becoming a doctor or an ecologist? How about investigating climate change or cancer? Join the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, the hub for biology education and research at Illinois.

Typical first year

Fall semester

Introduction to biology: IB 150 or MCB 150, 4 hrs
Begin chemistry: CHEM 101 or 102/103, 3–5 hrs
Math (Calc I or STAT) or Composition I (RHET or Equiv.), 3–5 hrs
First year enrichment course: LAS 101 or LAS 122, 1 hr
Options: Language, Gen
 Ed, Elective, 05 hrs

Total hours: 1416

Spring semester

Introduction to biology: IB 150 or MCB 150, 4 hrs
Continue chemistry: CHEM 102/103 or 104/105, 35 hrs
Math (Calc I or STAT) or Composition I (RHET or Equiv.), 3–5 hrs
Options: Language, Gen Ed, Elective, 05 

Total hours: 1416

Academic advising


Academic advisors in both schools are here to help you navigate your time as an undergraduate. Students are not assigned an advisor, but are encouraged to choose someone with whom you feel comfortable and to meet with that person throughout your time at Illinois. Advisors can meet with you about the following topics:

  • Course planning
  • Career planning
  • Tracking progress towards your degree
  • Learning about options for minors and 2nd majors on campus
  • Taking courses at another institution and determining whether they will transfer appropriately to Illinois
  • Undergraduate research
  • Study abroad
  • Appropriate co-curricular activities for your interests and goals

School of MCB advising   School of IB advising